Saturday, December 4th - starts at 4:00pm
Downtown Tellico Plains, Tennessee

Surround yourself with holiday spirit during the 11th Annual Candlelight Walk. It's a trip back in time, with an old-fashioned Christmas celebration in and around the streets of Tellico Plains. Sponsored by the Town of Tellico Plains and organized by the Cherokee Women's Club, this festive event finds many businesses open and serving complimentary drinks and snacks. You'll enjoy live music, carolers, carriage and wagon rides, Sa
nta Claus at the Sunflower Inn, and the Grinch on Scott Street and more. Stock up on delicious homemade Christmas treats at the popular Cookie Caper, presented by the Cherokee Women's Club, with proceeds supporting many of their annual projects, such as the Candlelight Walk, a poetry contest in local schools, and local scholarships. A Gingerbread House Contest will be displayed for popular votes at Skyway Antiques in the Charles Hall Museum bldg #2 (where you can get the Gingerbread House Contest rules prior to the event), and a Live Nativity will be presented by the First Baptist Church.
Tell your friends about this fun event.