
MVFD Pasta Dinner Fundraiser

Mt. Vernon Fire Department and Laurel Mountain Lakes Association present a Pasta Dinner Fundraiser on Saturday, October 27, at the Bethlehem Baptist Church, 130 Bethlehem Church Road, Madisonville, TN (1 mile off Hwy 68 between Tellico Plains and Madisonville).

At 3:30pm MVFD will conduct fire department demonstrations, and at 5:00pm the Pasta Dinner, with Live Music (bluegrass, folk, old time) plus a Live Auction.

$6.00 Adult, $3.00 Children 12 and under.

Frances Brown Dorward at The Bookshelf

Etowah resident and local author, Frances Brown Dorward, will be at The Bookshelf on Saturday, November 10th from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. to sign copies of her new book, Uprooted, a novel about a family who was displaced by the building of the Tellico Dam. Frances is well known in the area for her first book, Dam Greed.

The Bookshelf is at 108 Scott St. in Downtown Tellico Plains.

Call 423-253-3183 for more info.


"Tennessee Wild" featured on PBS Nov 18th

PBS's "This American Land" will feature Tennessee Wild's work to protect the Cherokee National Forest on November 18th at 4:30pm. Tennessee Wild's Jeff Hunter led eleven hikers on a walk along the Brookshire Creek Trail in the Cherokee National Forest. This trail is about 20 miles east of Tellico Plains TN. This hike included the producer and cameraman from This American Land.

This American Land is a new 30-minute PBS show just starting its second season. The six and a half minute segment that resulted from this outing is entitled 'Tennessee Wilderness,' and is included in episode 201.  The show has already aired in Wisconsin, North Carolina, Indiana, California & Kentucky, and will soon air in New Hampshire and other states. The entire 30-minute show is worth watching. It features segments on Manatees and the Colorado River along with the segment on the Cherokee National Forest. Other locals featured include Bill Hodge, Jim Holland, and Kellye Foss of Tellico Kats Deli.

Gospel Christmas Songs at Christmas Walk

Kenneth Gay will be singing and playing old time Gospel music and Gospel Christmas Songs at D & D Antiques on Scott Street, beginning around 4pm, during the Tellico Christmas Walk on December 1st, 2012. Rebecca Furniss will join him on fiddle for a few songs. She recently played several songs with Kenneth at the Assembly of God church in Turtletown. Kenneth's playing schedule for other events.


Garden Party for the Tellico Plains Wildflower Garden

Friday, October 5th from 6 to 8pm

Join us at the Garden, behind the Tellico Plains Visitors Center and the Charles Hall Museum, for food, live music and a silent auction.
"Raising the Roof" help needed…. We are raising money to put the roof on the pavilion in the garden and help defer garden maintenance costs.
Pot luck dishes appreciated. DONATIONS for the silent auction accepted this week at Topiary Joe's.
Please come to the Party! Volunteers to help work in the garden can call Joe Kyte at 423-253-7199.